Two, Two Mints In One (Songs that repeat a word twice in the title)

Some Connections are easy to pick, some are harder. You can't just search for doubles in song titles using regular search. Anyway, here is my pick of this What's the Connection? I named it Two Mints In One, because of the old commercial with twins in them. I'm too clever for myself. It doesn't really make sense unless you are me. Sometime in the future look for Three being the magic number. Three word songs that repeat the same word three times. I just have to get it ready. If you haven't seen what I do to prepare my mp3's, then you should look at that, read the complete instructions. In the meantime, please, please enjoy enjoy. I know I missed some, so if you think of any, let me know in the comments. BTW, this post was Inspired by Manolis who posted up a great comp when words are hard to find at ButterBoy.. 

Two, Two Mints In One

01 Wire Train - Love, Love
02 Matt Bianco - Yeh-Yeh
03 Buggles - Clean Clean
04 The Beau Brummels - Laugh, Laugh
05 Squeeze - Bang Bang
06 The DI's - Yo-Yo
07 Paul Lekakis - Boom Boom 
08 Descendents - Hey Hey
09 Devo - Please Please
10 The Residents - La La
11 Music Machine - Talk Talk
12 Plastic Bertrand - Wha! Wha!
13 Freur - Doot Doot
14 The The - The The
15 Blondie - Rush Rush
16 Talk Talk - Talk Talk
17 Trio - Ya Ya
18 Butthole Surfers - Dum Dum
19 Nina Hagen Band - Wau wau
20 Dome - Ur-Ur


  1. Thank you Pol. I realy appreciate it, taking into acoount how hard is to search for songs like these.

  2. The Partridge Family - Hello, Hello
    Sweet - Chop Chop
    Sweet - Funny Funny

    Dio - Shoot Shoot
    UFO - Doctor Doctor
    Cinderella - Push, Push

    1. All good ones, for volume 2?

    2. They were the first to come to mind (also Blackfoot's Train, Train but I thought you listed the track not long ago).

  3. This is fun!
    As for others -- the first and last songs off Neil Young's Rust Never Sleeps come to mind....

  4. Alice Cooper also put out a song called Talk Talk on his strange Flush the Fashion album.

  5. Oops, sorry about the Alice Cooper post -- it's a cover of the Music Machine tune you included.
