Pol's Prog Pick 10

WIth this pick getting to volume 10, we only have a few more to go. This volume of prog has just four tracks. Magma has the shortest track at just over nine minutes. I had a 21 minute Magma track on volume six. The last track is from Tangerine Dream. Most of their stuff is Electronic Music, but the Mellotron on this track definitely give it a prog feel. I consider it prog. Utopia, Todd Rundgren's band, was kinda progressive. At least on their first couple of albums. They became pretty rock later, but this thirty minute track is as prog as you get! The Yes track is one that most prog fans may not include in their picks, but I like it. This is the version that was redone with Trevor Horn and is basically one side of their album. They divided it up into several tracks for ease on the CD, but really it's meant to be heard as one and that's how it's presented here. 

Pol's Prog Pick 10

57 Magma - Hortz Fur Dehn Stekehn West
58 Utopia - The Ikon
59 Yes - Fly From Here (Complete Return)
60 Tangerine Dream - Cherokee Lane


  1. Loving the current run of Prog Picks, Pol. SP

  2. Sorry, this Archiv cannot be open

  3. Not sure what I am doing wrong but I can't unzip this one competely. 59 is incomplete and 60 doesn't appear. Any Help? Thanks

  4. Replies
    1. All my comments have to be approved, so it just depends on if I am awake or not for me to approve them. Sometimes fast, sometimes a little slower, but they all get approved except for spam

  5. Replies
    1. I am having similar problems. I am rezipping and reupping now. Give it a little bit to upload and it should work again

    2. worked like a charm with the new link. Thank you!
