Once Upon A Time 1

I had been wanting to do this pick for a long time. It's all about songs that tell a story. Now many, many songs tell a story, you might say, but these are really stories. And I guarantee that there will be a few songs that you do not like, and some that you think should've been in this series, but I didn't pick it. Sorry. In advance I will say it: Sorry. There just are too many and after all, these are my picks. If want to add some, add them in the comments section below. But remember a couple of things: This is just volume one of many. And two, I made add your suggestions on a later version. Obviously, the biggest story songs of all time have to include Arlo Guthrie's Alice's Restaurant Massacree, but I am hard pressed to keep any of these songs out of the first volume. But hard to beat that as the first of the stories.

Once Upon A Time 1

01 Arlo Guthrie - Alice's Restaurant Massacree
02 Don McLean - American Pie
03 Coven - One Tin Soldier The Legend Of Billy Jack
04 Vicki Lawrence - The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia
05 Billy Joel - Piano Man
06 Dickey Lee - Patches
07 Terry Jacks - Seasons In The Sun
08 Johnny Cash - A Boy Named Sue
09 Gordon Lightfoot - The Wreck Of The Edmund Fitzgerald
10 Marty Robbins - El Paso
11 Elvis Presley - In The Ghetto
12 Beatles - She's Leaving Home
13 Bobbie Gentry - Ode To Billie Joe
14 Jeannie C. Riley - Harper Valley P.T.A.
15 Jim Croce - Operator (That's Not The Way It Feels)
16 Harry Chapin - Cats In The Cradle


  1. Great picks, although I don't need to hear American Pie, Piano Man, and Elvis again, lol. When Gordie sings The Wreck in concert, he alters a couple of lines out of respect for the families. And, while I understand the inclusion of Coven's version of One Tin Soldier that was used in the film, the vocals in the original by Canadians "The Original Caste," is miles better. "Seasons in the Sun" was a tune we made fun of waaaaay back when released. I used to sing, "We had joy, we had fun, stick your finger up your bum." Hey, it was funny back then. Kinda funny right now too, lol.

    1. We made fun of that song too. Never heard the Canadian version, I'm looking it up
