The The Pick (updated)

I wasn't quite satisfied with the first iteration of this pick, so I redid it. I made some new song choices (added a single and something from the new album, removed some songs) Changed a couple of things and, well, here's the original write-up:

The first time I heard Matt Johnson and The The was on a compilation called Some Bizarre. I actually bought it because it had a Depeche Mode song and a Soft Cell song on it that I hadn't heard before. And I liked both of those bands. The one track by The The was kinda of weird (as was the rest of the album) but I liked it. Later when I saw the first The The album come out, I saw this cool artwork and remembered the song. It wasn't on the album. I bought it right away. I had no idea what I was in for. I listened to the album late at night with headphones on. Seinheisers, with yellow foam and open ears. And on a really long cord. I listened to the album and then I played it again. And again. Over and over. Several times. I was entranced by the songs, the voice. I thought everyone would or should be listening to this album. They didn't. I didn't hear a single song on the radio stations. I tried to make it my mission to play a song every time I was out. I don't think he caught on until a few albums later. I bought them all. This is my pick of The The songs. But get all the albums. They are great. I didn't realize until later that all these people I loved guested on these albums. Bonus!

The The Pick (updated)

01 The The - I've Been Waitin' For Tomorrow
02 The The - The Beat(en) Generation
03 The The - Infected
04 The The - 1$ One Vote!
05 The The - Armageddon Days (Are Here Again)
06 The The - The Whisperers
07 The The - Some Days I Drink My Coffee By The Grave Of William Blake
08 The The - Red Cinders In The Sand
09 The The - The The
10 The The - I Saw The Light
11 The The - Kingdom of Rain
12 The The - Heartland
13 The The - Slow Emotion Replay
14 The The - Perfect
15 The The - This Is The Day
16 The The - Uncertain Smile
17 The The - I Want 2 B U
18 The The - Dogs Of Lust

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