Stephen Mallinder Pick

Go back a few days to Saturday and see the Cabaret Voltaire pick. This time I took songs by Stephen Mallinder (one of the two main guys of the band) and picked a few solo tracks and some guest spots and a few bands he was in. Add in a Cab's song not on the previous pick and a pick from a Johnny Cash tribute album and you have this compilation. My suggestion is to look up each of these bands and find Dave Ball from Soft Cell and a few other surprise guests. I didn't add in Acid Horse because I used their track in Richard H Kirk's pick, coming soon. Either way all these tracks are a fine addition to the Cabaret Voltaire output.

Stephen Mallinder Pick

01 Stephen Mallinder - Temperature Drop
02 Wrangler - Stupid
03 Stephen Mallinder - Satellite
04 Cabaret Voltaire - Kino
05 Stephen Mallinder - Colour
06 Love Street - Galaxy
07 Stephen Mallinder - Working (You Are)
08 Wrangler - How To Start A Revolution
09 Stephen Mallinder - Hush
10 Hey Rube! - Rob A Bank Rob
11 Wrangler - Theme From Wrangler
12 Dub Mentor - Obsession (Camel)
13 Stephen Mallinder - Cool Down
14 Wrangler - Lava Land
15 Stephen Mallinder - I Walk The Line


  1. Damn fine work on this and the Richard H Kirk playlists. Both are great artists to follow through all points of their careers.
