Revolting Cocks Pick

Sort of a continuation of the last several days. This time the pick is Alan Jorgensen with his band Revolting Cocks. Sometimes called RevCo, but usually the whole Cocks name. It's a side project or "Super group" of Front 242, Luc Van Acker and Alien Jorgensen. Later they added and subtracted and really I should make a RevCo Family pick, but I haven't, yet. The Julie Andrews comp from a few days ago is the best so far, but doesn't cover all of this family. Suffice it say that this band is similar to Ministry, and yet totally different. Little bits of everything from Adrian Sherwood to KMFDM and Swans to Ministry. This is my pick over the years, but they have so many other great tracks it probably doesn't do them justice.

Revolting Cocks Pick

01 Revolting Cocks - T.V. Mind
02 Revolting Cocks - No Devotion
03 Revolting Cocks - Big Sexyland
04 Revolting Cocks - Attack Ships On Fire
05 Revolting Cocks - Stainless Steel Providers
06 Revolting Cocks - Beers, Steers & Queers
07 Revolting Cocks - In the Neck
08 Revolting Cocks - Let's Get Physical (Banned Original Mix)
09 Revolting Cocks - Something Wonderful
10 Revolting Cocks - Da Ya Think I'm Sexy
11 Revolting Cocks - Crackin' Up
12 Revolting Cocks - Fire Engine
13 Revolting Cocks - RevColution Medley
14 Revolting Cocks - Wizard Of Sextown
15 Revolting Cocks - Me So Horny
16 Revolting Cocks - Suffragette City

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