Dub Me Crazy Pick

Mad Professor an amazing dub producer, engineer and remixer who started his own studio and worked with a gazillion artists making great dub music. One of my favorite series he's done is the one he calls Dub Me Crazy. There are fourteen albums in this series. Well, sort of. Twelve originally and then one named Dub You Crazy in 2007 and another one that was Dub You Crazy 20-22. The last one was subtitled Covid Illusion. This pick includes my favorite from each of those albums. On a few of those albums I did two picks, because I could. If you like Dub reggae. He's a master. Easily on par with Scientist, King Tubby, Lee Perry, etc. He's got so many albums, I can't even count them all. I have 60 or so. Not even sure. Most all of them are good. Try any of the Dub Me Crazy ones, or any where he Meets someone. You may already know the one he did with Massive Attack (it's good) but they all seem to be. Anyway here's my pick.

Dub Me Crazy Pick

01 Mad Professor - Zion
02 Mad Professor - River Niger
03 Mad Professor - Beyond The Realms Of Dub
04 Mad Professor - Bengali Skank
05 Mad Professor - Rasta Chase
06 Mad Professor - Asylum Of Dub
07 Mad Professor - Fast Forward Into Dub
08 Mad Professor - Banana Republic
09 Mad Professor - War Cry
10 Mad Professor - Cosmic Ray
11 Mad Professor - Aztec Warrior
12 Mad Professor - Night In Cairo
13 Mad Professor - Holokoko Dub
14 Mad Professor - Cool Runnings Mandela
15 Mad Professor - Hi-Jacked To Jamaica
16 Mad Professor - Dub So Hard
17 Mad Professor - Blunt Dub
18 Mad Professor - Fake News Dub
19 Mad Professor - Runaway Slave

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