Am I The Only One Who Loves These?

This pick is of songs that I really like and no one else I know even likes them at all. So the question is Am I The Only One Who Loves These? Wide variety and some are even of artists that people like their tracks, but usually not this one. A few of the bands I could have picked several different songs that I like but people seem to hate. Throbbing Gristle comes to mind. Yoko Ono, too. I don't get it with Yoko, either, She's got some killer tracks. Lou Reed has plnety of tracks people love (or hate) but this one seems to always come to the top of the list. And I love it! I have several versions of it. Frank Zappa has some very loved tracks, but not this one (or Porn Wars that I almost put on instead). Anyway, are you joining the haters or the lovers here? Let me know. Thunbs up or down? Which ones do you love? If any. BTW, kinda longer than I usually put up, but some of the songs are really long.

Am I The Only One Who Loves These?

01 Man Jumping - The Perils Of Tourism
02 Shonen Knife - Mosquitoes
03 Reptile - Allah
04 Negativland - Perfect Scrambled Eggs
05 Cliff Martinez - Looks Like A Tablecloth
06 Yoko Ono-IMA - I'm Dying
07 Lou Reed - Metal Machine Music, Part I
08 Frank Zappa - Welcome to the United States
09 Neil Young & Crazy Horse - T-Bone
10 The Jazz Butcher - Do The Bubonic Plague
11 The Residents - Diskomo
12 Throbbing Gristle - Very Friendly
13 Mandre - Solar Flight
14 Cupol - Like This For Ages
15 Rema-Rema - Feedback Song


  1. Alot of tracks I'm not familiar with but Metal Machine Music, I wanted to put hot wax in my ears when I first heard it ! Back in the day

    1. It's probably just me, but I loved it. Just like most of Yoko Ono, I'm probably one of the only people who loved her music. Always thought it was brilliant

    2. I do enjoy some Yoko every now and again. my friends think I'm crazy.

    3. I know how you feel, my friends are with your friends

  2. IMHO, this is the kind of stuff best kept to studio outtakes to fill up a re-released heritage album box set on the disc no-one listens to. Sometimes atonal or will-this-do jams and "homeless guy bugging out on spice" vocals / lyrics turn into something, and they release the good part of it, editing out the dross. But no need to tell yourself you are "not a real fan" of whoever it is doing this if you don't dig the artist releasing their failed experiments. If you like this sort of thing, good luck to you; the Zappa here is amusing.

    1. I know. I'm sure I am the only one who loves these. But I love weird stuff!

  3. There is a lot here I LOVE. and a few I did not know.
    I very much love Cupol (Dome, and Duet Emmo too)
    I love my Throbbing Gristle.
    Albert Ayler - In greenwich village (Truth is marching in) The kind of Free-Jazz people tell me to turn off. Roscoe Mitchell - Nonaah solo live (17 minutes) Oh Superman.
    And yes I love Yoko Ono as much as I like Hank Williams, differnet music but highest quality

    1. Yay! Someone else! We should start a club

    2. Free jazz. The stuff nobody wants to pay for?

    3. Excuse me Mr Grimsdale, I have payed normal money for the freejazz albums. And as you say "nobody wants to pay for" they perfectly fit the title of this post.
      What If?
      What if Elvis did not revolutionised Popular music. The might not have been The Beach Boys and we all were still singing How Much is That Doggy In The Window. I hate the albums of Bruce Springsteen & the Eagles. I think they are a bunch of greedy accountants only digging money and boring us to death with soft country pop. What If they would enjoy exploring music a bit more. Like Mr Frank Zappa.
      Have you listened to either Nonaah or The Truth is Marching ? Or was the mention of Free-jazz enough to put you off.

    4. No fighting! There are multiple views and opinions and they are all valid. Because I like something doesn't mean everyone should and vice versa. We have so much music out there, enjoy it. That's why we have such a great opportunity to explore different views here and on other sites like these. Buy the ones you like!

  4. That's me told, and I am greatly chastened and diminished. Some good things emerge from noisy experiments. I like these more refined products. I have lots of improv in my music, so I must be open to it up to a point. I just don't get skronk. Kind regards,

    1. I see that I went in to hard, no need for that. There is all kinds of good music, even in places I usually don't look. Nebraska is a masterpiece. Thank you for your tolerance Mr Pol

    2. You're good, too! We're all music lovers, and we all get passionate about our favorites. As for Nebraska, the album, not the state, it's one that still eludes me. I keep trying, but I just don't get it

    3. Ok, Nebraska (The Album, not the state) fits this bill rather nicely, or ain't I the only one liking this especially.
