What's The Connection? Mess Around 1

I was listening to a music program and they played Jim Croce (who I like) and was thinking of messy songs. So this connection started because of big bad Jim. But as I was thinking of all the songs with mess in the title I realized I could get around to refining it more, so I did. I had more to use, but also made a Big Mess of it in the end. Sorry, but not sorry. More songs messin' with your (and my) sanity coming in question. Either way this is fun. Even if there are doubles of songs on this playlist. The cover is messed up as well.

What's The Connection? Mess Around 1

01 Jim Croce - You Don't Mess Around With Jim
02 Buzzcocks - Don't Mess Me 'round
03 Walter Mitchell - Stop Messin' Around
04 Marmalade - Mess Around
05 Waylon Jennings - You Don't Mess Around With Me
06 Louis Armstrong - Don't Forget To Mess Around
07 John Mayall - Mess Around
08 Christine Perfect - Stop Messin' Round
09 Robert Palmer - Mess Around
10 Aerosmith - Stop Messin' Around
11 Bonnie Tyler - A Rockin' Good Way (To Mess Around And Fall In Love)
12 Gary Moore - Stop Messin' Around
13 Dr. John - Mess Around
14 John Lee Hooker - Don't Be Messing Around With Me
15 Larry Harlow - Mess Around
16 Bill Haley - Don't Mess Around
17 Ray Charles - Mess Around
18 Chubby Checker - Dance The Mess Around
19 The Animals - Mess Around
20 Pitbull featuring Enrique Iglesias - Messin' Around
21 Cage The Elephant - Mess Around
22 The B-52's - Dance This Mess Around
23 Jools Holland - Mess Around
24 The Ventures - Don't Mess Around With Jim
25 Devo - Big Mess


  1. Can I be a bit pedantic now? And correct me if I am wrong.
    I thought it was Jim Croce (Who likes me) or Jim Croce (Whom I like) Or, in a stroke of genius, did you just mess up your grammer

    1. It must be the stroke of genius and a mess up of grammar.
