What's The Connection? Ways 1

On one of my social media sites someone suggested songs with Way in the title. Instead I went with it plural. I will do this connection several ways, however. So many directions I could take it. I have multiple versions of Evil Ways on this one, but reserved a couple for another volume. In fact several of these songs have multiple versions coming sometime in the future, if I can find the way to get there. I had fun with this one. 

What's The Connection? Ways 1

01 Lynyrd Skynyrd - Southern Ways
02 Quincy Jones & James Ingram - 100 Ways
03 Kiss - Strange Ways
04 Paul Simon - 50 Ways To Leave Your Lover
05 U2 - Mysterious Ways
06 Mandre - I Like Your Freaky Ways
07 Marine Girls - Lazy Ways
08 Buddy Holly - True Love Ways
09 Johnny Mathis - Evil Ways
10 Brook Benton - So Many Ways
11 Midnighters - Sexy Ways
12 Santana - Evil Ways
13 Supernaut - I Like It Both Ways
14 Cola Boy - 7 Ways To Love
15 Cal Tjader - Evil Ways
16 Lone Justice - Ways To Be Wicked
17 Toto - Mysterious Ways
18 Ok Go - A Million Ways
19 Journey - Separate Ways (Worlds Apart)
20 Train - 50 Ways To Say Goodbye
21 10cc - Lazy Ways
22 Hank Ballard & The Midnighters - Don't Change Your Pretty Ways


  1. Now, be prpared to be blown away. Get yourself a seat and a hanky for the tears. Here is the old version and the covid version of one of the best bits of TV I know. First the old one which got banned because it includes a child-raper who wasn't exposed yet (Jimmy Saville, smoking a cigar)
    And the second which is a brilliant combination of public participation mixed with the original footage.

    1. That's a funny video and the song is catchy. Haven't ever seen it before

  2. And before you comment on way and ways, These are 2 Ways to Amarillo
